Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mass Mess

So once a week - (somtimes twice if im feeling crazy) I make one huge mass mess in my kitchen. I cook for the entire week!! A couple things I freeze for Thursday and Friday so that they arent totally gross. Usually Sunday - I spend all day creating my food for the week. Its a super pain - but toally worth it when I get home from work and all I have to do is heat up my grub. I also package all my food in containers so its portioned out... I tend to be a toatl fat kid if I dont. Ya know.... One large bowl of pasta in the fridge and I continue to stick my fork in it.... for hours!! Dont pretend like you never do it.... The calories dont count if we arent sitting at a table right? WRONG!! Ugh... One of the numerous lessons I learned the hard way. Story of my life.ahhh before i totally digress... I attached a picture of my fridge and meals i made this week so you can see exacly what it looks like.... Yup as anal retentive as you would think. Im almost ready to start portioning my drinks too!!

Ha the last photo is for sh*ts n giggles.. cause seriousyl thats what I look like ..... although that smile probably isnt so shiny!!!  I also started cutting up my strawberries and making small portions of them... again, cause last night i totally hooved an entire cartoon. fat kid alert!!! Suga in fruit is just as dangerous as anything else. portion control people... portion control is where its at!! Everything in moderation!!

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